Featured Resources
COVID-19 Related Resources
Partnership for Drug-Free Kid
In this uncertain time, we know that you may be concerned about keeping your families and your communities safe and healthy. We are dedicated to ensuring you have the support you need to address substance use and addiction – from prevention to recovery.
Center for Addiction
Education and support for family members struggling with a loved one’s addiction as well as links to other virtual resources.
Learn More
Oasis Coalition - Virtual Resources for Families and Individuals
The physical distancing that is necessary during COVID-19 has put a strain on families, particularly those struggling with the challenges of addiction. Physical isolation can keep us from the connections that build resiliency, making us vulnerable. Fortunately, there are many ways to connect electronically. Digital resources include everything from e-mail to texting, as well as internet message boards, social media platforms, video conferencing and more.
COVID-19 and Vaping: What You Should Know
Right now, there isn't enough data showing a direct link between vaping and COVID-19. But we do know that vaping and smoking can cause damage to the lungs, which can make symptoms from the illness worse.
General Resources
Preventative Measures - Family Influence
Prevention of drug and alcohol abuse can start at home. Parents can talk to
their children and explain the consequences of drug and alcohol abuse.
Specifically talking to children while they are young can create a strong
foundation for awareness of drug use. This helps parents positively influence
their children, while teaching their children about boundaries.
Read more from the Addiction Center
Teen Safe Course
In this course, you will learn how to protect your teenager’s health, life and future through a series of brief videos that demonstrate the effects of adolescent substance use on the developing brain. You also will learn practical tips on how to keep your teen safe.
Power to the Parent - Hidden in Plain Sight
Power to the Parent’s Hidden in Plain Sight room provides parents with clues from a teen’s bedroom to help them determine whether their child might be experimenting with or using drugs or alcohol. Room décor, hidden compartments and items to conceal use are located throughout the room.
Strengthen your detective skills as a parent.