Let your teen know they matter!

Center for Parent and Teen Communication offers practical, science-based strategies for strengthening family connections and building youth prepared to thrive.

Mother Daughter
Girl Heart Hands
Kids Sitting

The Martha’s Vineyard Youth Task Force (YTF) is a community-driven organization dedicated to supporting the well-being and development of youth across Martha’s Vineyard. By focusing on prevention, education, and intervention, we empower young people to make informed decisions, build resilience, and lead healthy lives.

Our Island


Years collecting, sourcing, and publishing data


Students annually in Vineyard schools


Participating Schools

Join Our Community!

Star Splash

Stay connected with the Martha's Vineyard Youth Task Force and be the first to know about our latest programs, events, and initiatives that support youth well-being on the island. Sign up for our newsletter andhelp us build a healthier, safer future for our young people.

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